George del Galles Works Stables on Vacation


The Middleton Family Enjoys Time Together

It’s holiday time for George of Wales, sister Charlotte and little brother Louis. The princes, children of William and Kate Middleton, are enjoying the mid-semester break these days and are at Anmer Hall, the country estate in Norfolk that has always been the good retreat of the family. Being at home, however, does not only mean playing. Word of mother Kate: recently the princess revealed that during these school breaks her children are always very busy and often help out in the stables. Small tasks suitable for their age, of course, such as moving hay or feed. Kate let slip the anecdote during a visit to Wales with her husband; while the couple watched a robot used to move the feed, she said: “That was George’s job at mid-semester, moving the feed”. Information reiterated by William, who confirmed that at Sandringham the children are always very busy.

The Benefits of Living in the Countryside

The princes, after all, are used to life in the open air and every occasion is good to take advantage of its benefits. Thanks to mother Kate, who grew up in the countryside and always wanted the same thing for her children. Free time is at Anmer Hall, but also at the home of the maternal grandparents Carole and Michael Middleton, who since they sold the family business have much more time to devote to their grandchildren.

A Change of Residence for the Princely Family

George, 10 next July, Charlotte, 8, and Louis 5 study at Lambrook School, near Bucklebury Manor, the Middleton’s house in Berkshire. They live with their parents in Adelaide Cottage, where the family moved at the end of last summer, leaving the Kensington Palace apartment. A choice that at the time was made to be closer to Queen Elizabeth, who was based in Windsor, but also to guarantee the children more freedom. At Kensington they couldn’t even go out in the garden, always chased by photographers, in the countryside, however, it is another story and the three princes have all the freedom necessary to lead their childhood in peace, away from prying eyes.


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