Felipe & Letizia’s Pride: Leonor & Sofía


The Royal Family: Very Happy and Relaxed

With only a few days difference, Princess Leonor has graduated from the International Baccalaureate at the UWC Atlantic College boarding school in Wales and her sister, Princess Sofia, has celebrated her Confirmation in Madrid. These two key dates have served to show the Kings overflowing with pride for them without false modesty, something that is not usually seen since we usually see them together in protocolary acts or, at most, in some summer photoshoot. The Royal Family, very happy and relaxed.

The Heir to the Throne is Very Popular

The diploma delivery ceremony of the British boarding school served to discover that the heir to the throne is very popular among her friends, as she went up to collect hers amidst a great ovation while one of her teachers said: “Your love for deep conversations has no limits. Your determined passion for learning, understanding others and exploring different perspectives has truly enriched your experience at UWC. We will miss your sense of humor.”

The Royal Family Reappeared in Public with Smiles and Gestures of Affection

Just five days later, the Royal Family reappeared in public with Queen Sofia and Letizia’s parents, Paloma Rocasolano and Jesus Ortiz, to support Infanta Sofia in her Confirmation. Curiously all dressed in pink -with the only exception of Jesus Ortiz- they posed kindly for the media and, when they retired to the interior of the parish of the Assumption of Our Lady of Aravaca (Madrid), they did so with smiles and gestures of affection, like any family that, despite the difficulties, remains united.


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