“Manuel Diaz El Cordobés discharged after serious fall: here’s his state”.


Bullfighter Manuel Díaz Leaves Hospital

Good news about the health of Manuel Díaz ‘El Cordobés’, who suffered a serious goring in the third bullfight of the subscription of the San Lorenzo Fair. The bullfighter, who was admitted to the San Jorge Hospital in Huesca this Saturday, has already left the medical center on his own feet, according to the ‘Summer Party’ program, and everything points to him being transferred to Seville.

Surprise Appearance

The reporter of the format hosted by Frank Blanco has reported that they expected a quiet afternoon on duty at the hospital, and to their surprise, Manuel Díaz reappeared leaving “through a back door of the hospital”. The bullfighter, who was urgently operated on due to the serious prognosis with which he was admitted, wants to live these moments with total discretion, and it is that the journalists were informed a few hours before that Alba Díaz’s father had already gone to Seville.

Discreet Departure

The appearance of a black van made it suspect that the bullfighter was still in the hospital, accompanied also by his brother Chema. And so it was. Manuel Díaz leaves at full speed after receiving hospital discharge. ‘El Cordobés’, who did not respond to the questions of the media and got into the van at full speed, has surprised the journalists with his attitude. And it is that both the bullfighter and his environment usually have a very close relationship with the press.


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