Sarah Ferguson: Overcoming Comparisons to Lady Di


The Comparisons Between Sarah Ferguson and Princess Diana

Sarah Ferguson, the most famous redhead of the British Royal Family, has been sincere in the final episode of the first season of her “podcast”, ‘Tea Talks’ and has admitted, now that 26 years have passed since the death of Princess Diana, that she always provoked the envy of the other women of the Windsor family for how much she was loved by everyone. Sarah herself has acknowledged that she suffered countless comparisons with her and that it was hard for her to accept them. “When I look back, it’s okay, I had good legs and, you know, I looked good, but I didn’t like it and that was because I think I was always compared to Diana and I think that, in the end, in a way, I believed my own press, which is not very good,” she said.

The Impact of Breast Cancer and Mastectomy

After years of not accepting her body, the 63-year-old Duchess of York and ex-wife of Prince Andrew, describes in the last minutes of the episode how her breast cancer and recent mastectomy have helped her to wake up from years of hatred towards herself, caused by being compared to Lady Di.

The Mutual Appreciation Between Sarah and Diana

Despite everything, Ferguson and Diana had a great appreciation for each other. Sarah always remembers her fondly on the anniversary of her death. “We miss you every day, dear friend,” she wrote on August 31 on her Instagram.


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