Famous Difficult Hollywood Divorces


Love in Hollywood

Love ends. And sometimes it comes back. It happens to stars just like to common mortals, only that they sometimes turn it into songs, reality shows or movies. They can’t escape, but they would like to, like Sandra Bullock who received an Oscar without knowing that her husband was cheating on her in the middle of the adoption process. Or Sylvester Stallone who covered his tattoo with his wife’s face replacing it with the family dog. Examples would be many (too many) to remember because sparks really fly in Hollywood. But the audience wants to dream and cheers for couples like Shakira and Piqué, who find themselves at the other end of the world (and then send each other barbs across the ocean). Much-loved actors of the small and big screen take and leave each other sometimes more than their respective characters. There are those who love impulsive escapes to Las Vegas, only to regret it soon after, and those who want to seal this palpitations with a giant tattoo. Someone even made a blood pact. The point is that maybe even in private they continue to wear the whims and volatility of their public version and then the couple explodes.

Balances at Home

The balances at home are very delicate and sometimes it works – if they are colleagues – when one of them is more successful. When roles are reversed, pandemonium breaks out. In Hollywood, a marriage is sometimes all a matter of business, appearance and power, a show – in short – to feed to the fans and the tabloids. The smell of fiction can be felt from miles away but everyone then deludes themselves that one of these gods of the Olympus of the celebs can look down on a human creature and free it from an anonymous life. But we’re not in Notting Hill! Or you go to a remote ranch in the middle of nowhere like Ryan Gosling and Eva Mendes, John Corbett and Bo Derek and many others, or you carve out your own space outside but not too much, like Matthew McConaughey who said he put a camper in the garden, where he takes refuge when he wants a little peace and quiet.

Legal Battles

These ten couples have made spectators dream, but then they have given each other harsh battles in court, for custody of the children and for astronomical assets. Almost 19 years after the yes, the couple is fighting. Without any exclusions. Johnny Depp never married his ex Vanessa Paradis, who made him a father twice, but his brief marriage to Amber Heard ended up in court with accusations of domestic violence. He won. After the accusations of harassment and the scandal about the alleged cannibalism, she gave him the boot. Fans wanted Brad Pitt to live a FRIENDS story with Jennifer Aniston, but nothing, they remained just friends. Angelina Jolie, on the other hand, accused him of negligence and aggression towards the children. The fight for custody is still ongoing. The two years of legal battle for the divorce, which Kim Kardashian wanted, ended with a private agreement.


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