Jared Leto Movie: How I Splice It


Award Winning Movie: Dallas Buyers Club

This article was published on November 13th, 2013 and we are presenting it again today to retrace the changes that have been protagonist of in the last 20 years. I don’t do it almost ever, but Dallas Buyers Club is really a beautiful movie and the compliment comes out by itself. Presented at the Toronto Film Festival last September, and now in competition at the Rome Film Festival, the film won the second International Award for Cinematic Excellence, an award that was personally received on November 9th.

Motivation of the Recognition

Motivation of the recognition: “It is thanks to stories like this that the viewer is faced with his own prejudices – the fear of the different, the discomfort in front of the sick – and learns, as the Native Americans said, to walk in someone else’s moccasins”.

Inspired By a True Story

Dallas Buyers Club is inspired by a true story. Matthew McConaughey is Ron, a homophobic Texas cowboy who discovers he is suffering from AIDS. His friends call him a queer and keep away from him, the doctors offer him a few weeks of life and no hope. It is the mid-eighties, the Azt is administered only to a few patients and on an experimental basis. Among them, there is Rayon, a transsexual drug addict, that is Jared Leto. Ron meets him at the hospital (they have the same doctor, played by Jennifer Garner), and vents all his anger on him. In reality, it is the beginning of what will become a great friendship. And also a business, when the two open the Dallas Buyers Club from which the title: a sort of illegal pharmacy where Ron sells mixes of drugs that he himself procures around the world and that work better than official remedies.


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