Prince Harry Succession: 61% of Brits Don’t Want Him in Line


The British Opinion on the Royal Family

Harry of England has returned to London without too much fanfare, and on the occasion of the first anniversary of the death of Elizabeth II he visited the grave of his grandmother like any other tourist, ignored by the rest of the royal family, gathered in Balmoral for a private ceremony. Harry’s presence in Windsor was discreet, but it did not make him more popular with the British, on the contrary: for most of his compatriots, the prince could not be more detestable. This is revealed by a survey aimed at testing the popularity of the members of the royal family. And the result is not surprising. 61% of those interviewed – two thousand people questioned by the Deltapoll Society, in charge of conducting the investigation – believe that Harry should be removed from the line of succession to the throne, as well as cut off from any kind of public funding, both from taxpayers and from the king. The British have not forgiven the Megxit, nor the bad publicity for the royal family by the Sussex, and only 25% of those interviewed think that Harry and his wife should have an active role within the family.

The Popularity of William and Kate

Completely different, however, is the opinion on William and Kate. The popularity of the Princes of Wales is constantly increasing and, according to the numbers, together with Queen Elizabeth and Lady Diana, they are those who would have brought the most important contribution to the United Kingdom, with percentages that exceed 50%. Influencing the positive judgment on William is also the cool blood maintained in the face of attacks from the younger brother in the last year, attacks that however have not managed to scratch the popularity of the heir to the throne.

Prince Andrew’s Low Popularity

Worse than Harry is only Prince Andrew, the other black sheep of the family. Even on him the judgments are bad: to the question if he should receive public contributions the “no” is almost unanimous and touches 80%. For the British he is the member of the royal family who has most harmed the monarchy, even more than Harry. His Majesty’s subjects, in short, do not seem to be willing to forgive, especially when it comes to the good name of the Institution. But Harry and Andrew, certainly, knew it already.


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